As a parent, nothing is more important than seeing your child smile. February is National Children’s Dental Health Month—an effort to bring awareness to the importance of dental care for kids. Regular checkups and cleanings are vital for your children to have a healthy and beautiful smile. However, there are also steps you can take to help! Keep reading to learn why kids’ oral healthcare is so important as well as some helpful tips from your children’s dentist in Farmington.
The Importance of Dental Visits for Children
Twice-a-year routine dental appointments are important for everyone, but they are especially vital for kids. It’s a simple fact that children can’t brush and floss as well as adults, which is where your dental professional can pick up the slack. However, these appointments do much more than care for their teeth in the short-term. Early dental visits will make it more likely for your children to see their dentist on their own in the future. So, by taking them to routine visits, you can set them up for oral health success for the rest of their lives.
What You Can Do to Help at Home
Oral healthcare for your son or daughter doesn’t stop at the dental office. In fact, there are some key steps you can take to ensure that they’re smile stays clean and healthy year-round, including:
Smile Supervision
It’s a fact of life that kids tend to cut corners, so it’s important to keep a watchful eye, making sure that they’re brushing and flossing every day. You can even make brushing fun by turning on their favorite song and making it a dance party. After two minutes each session, you can end the song, give them a high five, and explain why brushing is so significant. From there, they will develop their own oral healthcare habits that they can use for years to come.
The Right Beverage
Kids love soda and sports beverages, but it’s up to you to keep them away from these sugary liquids. These drinks cause increased risks of tooth decay and cavities. Instead, give them tap water! This beverage contains fluoride, which is a natural mineral that fights off tooth decay. This simple tip will decrease your son or daughter’s chances of cavities, gum disease, and other dental issues.
Proper Protection
If your children play sports, ensure that they have the proper protection. A custom-made mouthguard from your dentist can reduce the risk of an emergency occurring, and it can decrease the amount of concussion your kids may face during trauma or injury.
Happy Children’s Dental Health Month! Now that you know these helpful tips, you can celebrate the right way during February and in the future.
Meet the Dentist
Since opening Integrity Dental in 1994, Dr. James Cole has been committed to providing patients of all ages with the quality care they deserve. He offers thorough dental checkups as well as dental sealants, fluoride treatment, and any other services your son or daughter may need. If you have any questions, he can be reached through his website or by phone at (505) 327-0441.